Hello! I am Erin Emmi a Certified Nurse Midwife and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. A little about me…
I fell in love with birth when I attended the birth of my sister’s second child. I will never forget how she labored with such grace, it was almost if she was living between worlds. I did not truly understand this until I had my own children. When I watched my sister labor and birth my niece I was changed forever and decided to pursue midwifery. I decided to become a nurse midwife because I wanted options, I was not sure what setting I wanted to practice in so I thought nurse midwifery was the best choice for me. First, I became a registered nurse, and went to graduate school to become a CNM (certified nurse midwife). During my training I had my third baby. I also finished clinical while my husband was deployed to Afghanistan. All of these things happening at the same time gave me a new appreciation for being a mother and midwife.
The reason I developed this site and my business was to give people the education they need and deserve. As a student I felt women and their partners were rushed through their appointments and were not able to ask the questions they desperately wanted to ask. I also watched many women enter their labor not really understanding what was happening within their bodies, they did not know what to expect.
So often today we are told what is right for us when deep down we have a feeling, some call it a “gut feeling” that tells us something is off. Unfortunately, we start to turn off that instinct because we were conditioned early on that it is impolite to ask questions or it is seen as challenging authority. This is where we lose our voice. I encourage you to tap into that inner voice and listen to what it is telling you.
Women know how to labor and birth their babies, that is innate wisdom. If left alone to labor your instinct would override and your body would do what it needs to birth your baby. Obviously, that is not true one hundred percent of the time but for the vast majority of individuals this would be true.
I want to help women see that they can feel the way they want, live full healthy lives, and be in the driver seat with their health.
I currently live in Hawaii on the island of Oahu with my four children and husband.
I am licensed as an APRN and CNM in the state of Hawaii. I have a masters degree in midwifery, a bachelors in nursing, and psychology. I am a former college and professional softball player and a lifetime athlete.